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Encephalartos ferox SEEDS

Encephalartos ferox SEEDS

Regular price €5,00 EUR
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Product Description

Encephalartos ferox is a species of cycad native to southeastern Africa, particularly found in coastal regions from the Eastern Cape in South Africa northward to Mozambique. It is known for its distinctive and attractive features, which make it a popular ornamental plant. Here are some key characteristics of Encephalartos ferox:

  1. Appearance: The cycad has a thick, usually unbranched trunk that can grow up to 3 meters (about 10 feet) in height. The trunk is often partially buried underground.

  2. Leaves: One of the most striking features of Encephalartos ferox is its bright green leaves that can reach up to 2 meters (about 6.5 feet) in length. The leaflets are broad and have sharply toothed or spiny margins, which gives the species its name 'ferox' (Latin for 'fierce').

  3. Growth Habit: It is a slow-growing plant, and the leaves form a dense crown at the top of the trunk.

  4. Cone Production: Like other cycads, Encephalartos ferox is dioecious, meaning it produces separate male and female cones on different plants. The cones are large and colorful, with male cones being elongated and female cones more rounded.

  5. Habitat: It thrives in subtropical and tropical conditions and is often found in forested areas or along riverbanks where the soil is rich and well-drained.

  6. Uses: In addition to its ornamental value, Encephalartos ferox has been used in traditional medicine and as a source of food in some cultures.

  7. Conservation Status: While not currently listed as endangered, Encephalartos ferox faces threats from habitat loss and illegal collection. Conservation efforts are important to ensure its continued survival in the wild.

This cycad's striking appearance, particularly its vibrant and spiny leaves, makes it a sought-after species for gardens and collections, especially in warmer climates. However, care should be taken to source these plants responsibly due to their conservation status.


Botanical family: Zamiaceae

Botanical genus: Encephalartos

Botanical species: Encephalartos ferox

Date of Harvest:


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